Saturday 14 June 2014


Hello my fellow addicts! Sadly, this is the last time I will be addressing you all... I must say that when I started this blog, I really wasn't sure what to expect from all of you. I didn't know if people would just not read it because addiction can be a touchy subject. Or if no one would read it simply because it's nothing that interests them. Through the comments that you have left me, I now know that I was completely wrong to think those things! The things that some of you shared in regards to your own addictions or your own interests fascinated me! I'm so glad that many of you were able to pull something from each of my posts, then to give me your two cents in the comments! I can say I received everything I was hoping for out of this blog, and that was to inform people on addictions and to provide you all with information on addictions that you may not have known existed.

I decided to blog about this subject because, like I've said a few times, addiction that is something I see all around me in my life and in my family. Some of which are bad and disappointing, while others are not so dangerous and even comical!

As you carry on with your lives in this sometimes messed up world, I hope you are able to find happiness through laughter, and learn to laugh at your flaws and little weird habits or addictions. All at the same time, I hope that each and everyone of you will not be afraid to lend an ear or a hand to any one in need while they experience low points in their lives and turn to substances or anything of the sort. If it ever happens to be one of you in such a predicament, I hope you are able to remember that there is more to life than what you find in that bottle...

A wise man once said, "Be the man you would want your son to be." Who said that, I have no idea...
With that, I say my final farewells and wish you all the best in your future endeavours and challenges!

Your fellow addict,

Tuning Out

Hello my fellow addicts. In my very first post I talked about things that you may be addicted to, that are in fact harmless. Things such as eating sweets or biting your finger nails. Today I'd like to present to you something that 99% of people might do everyday, that they didn't know was actually an addiction. You might even find that you do these things yourself!

This thing is, listening to music. How could listening to music be considered an addiction? To explain, I'll refer back to my four steps of forming an addiction in post number two, "Jumping In With Both Feet".
So, step one, you started listening to music, of any kind for whatever reason, meaning you have been exposed to it.
Step two, you enjoyed what you were hearing immensely!
Step three, you start to form a habit of listening to music. You find yourself listening to it while walking, while studying, while driving. Next thing you know it has turned into a dependancy. You are now listening to music in class, and while in public areas instead of socializing with others.
Step four, you start to notice that you can't function without music anymore. Your workouts aren't intense if there is no music playing. You can't study without it. You can't even fall asleep without it.

There you have it, you are addicted to listening to music. Pretty strange how just an everyday activity like that could eventually become addictive. Of course, do not think that by listening to music often makes you an addict… Many people, myself included, listen to music as much as possible because often it reflects our mood and our feelings at that time, or can even bring us back to a different time in our lives when we had previously heard that song. Only if listening to music becomes and necessity, and you absolutely cannot go without, does it then qualify as an addiction.

I hope I opened your eyes to something new today!