Saturday 12 April 2014

Your Path

Hello again my fellow addicts! Welcome back. It has come to my attention that some readers would like me to get to the segment on narcotic addiction. Sadly, I will not be specifically targeting that subject in this post. I am, however, going to provide you with my approach to ending, or subsiding an addiction. This could apply to all sorts of addictions, especially substance abuse such as alcohol and narcotics. 

Sort of in the same fashion as my blog about forming an addiction, I'll try and write out this suggestion to ending one using the same format of steps. 
So you're and addict, to whatever it may be, and it is starting to control your life causing you to want to make a change! First off, good for you! 
The first step in ending an addiction is being able to identify, and accept that you suffer from this disease. You may pass through similar stages that one might experience after losing a loved one. Denial, anger, acceptance etc… But it is once you can say "This isn't me! I need to change!" that you can begin getting rid of that horrible monkey on your back. 

The second step would be to make slow and regular adjustments. Quitting cold turkey will never work. Never. The craving could come back and hit you harder than ever, and that brief time period where you did quit will make you want to go back at it harder than ever! It will only cause you more suffering. Start by simply reducing that possibility of encountering said item. For example, don't buy any more alcohol. That doesn't mean don't have a drink if someone offers you one, but do not provide any for yourself. Secondly, find and attend local meetings! There are support groups for almost anytime of addiction out there! look it up and take part. You'll meet plenty of people just like you looking for others to help them out. No better way than to do it together. 

The third step, I'd say would be to find moments where you would normally enjoy this addiction, and find something else to replace it with. For example, if you would always get hammered when at parties, for starters, you probably shouldn't go to large parties anymore… Avoid the situation. However, if you do find yourself at a party, instead of using alcohol to have a good time, try something else! Try talking to people without being drunk, and see how you'll end up talking to so many more interesting people because you'll have more in common with them than the fact that you're both drunk!

All in all, I guess it is important to remember that you started this addiction, so you can end it too. It does take a lot of hard work and commitment, as well as a lot of self control and resistance to temptation. Don't take the matter too lightly though. If you keep trying and trying to quit and nothing works, never be afraid to give your family doctor a visit. There are plenty of clinical methods to helping get rid addiction, especially in very lie threatening cases. I love to see the good in everyone, and I love watching people find the good in them. Until next time, just remember… You can do it!


  1. What a fascinating topic. What do you believe distinguishes between an addiction and just a bad habit? Can playing video games or biting pens be considered addictions? Not that I'm asking for myself mind's for my friend....yeah. Great examples and insight throughout this blog.

    Nitpicks: Some spelling issues (ex. Theses, lie vs life, scene vs seen) + too many commas in some of your paragraphs
    - Explain your pictures and /or make sure they are directly relevant to what you are discussing (ex. Apple picture did not seem relevant to workout post)
    5th post a touch vague
    A few videos wouldn't hurt.

  2. I agree with you Benjamin, I have a friend that parties every weekend and gets hammered. I think that this person might have a problem because he tends to drink on school nights too. I’m definitely going to try to use your post as a guide to help him reduce his addiction. I will stay tuned for more posts as I am interested on reading more about your subject!
