Wednesday 12 March 2014

Are You An Addict?

Now why would you be reading a blog about addictions? "I'm not addicted to anything!", is what you're thinking. You go to class, exercise, eat regularly, nor do you smoke or drink. Surely you are not an addict... Or are you?
Substance-related addiction

 "The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity: 'he committed the theft to finance his drug addiction'".  

This is the definition of 'addiction' according to the Oxford dictionary. This definition is not inaccurate in the slightest, but is probably one of the causes for the common misconception of what an addiction really is. Most people associate an addict to someone with a dependency to drugs or alcohol. To be in constant search, no matter the obstacles, for some sort of fulfilling substance. That is what's called a Substance-related addiction

Now what about those of us that have our priorities straight, that haven't, "committed theft to finance our drug addiction"? Are we not perfect? Think, and think hard. Is there anything that you do throughout each and every day? Is there something that seems to be set on repeat in your life? Something that you do daily, that you can't seem to get enough of no matter how many times you do it? 
      Always eating three brownies when you promise yourself to only take two. Taking several naps throughout the day, when you aren't even tired. Theses are most often addictions that we like to undertone by referring to them as, "bad habits". Now think deeper. Think as to why you actually do these things. The answer is often your addiction. You addict, you.
Of course, having a bad habit of leaving the toilet seat up, does not mean you are addicted to doing so... I hope.

Perhaps I'll provide you with a personal example. 
I, for as long as I can remember, have had a "bad habit" of biting my finger nails down to a stub. 
I've never thought about it in great detail, but when I did, I've discovered why I actually bite my nails. It has come to my attention that I enjoy, a little too much, that slight pain in the tips of your fingers that you get when you grab on to something, after having bitten (or cut) your nail too short, and the nail digs into your skin. I couldn't explain why I enjoy this if I tried... But it is my addiction.

In this blog, I hope to get you readers to think about the addictions, that make you, you. To inform you on the different kinds of addictions; the good, the bad and the ugly ones. The history between all living things and addiction or even to offer ways to suppress or eliminate an addiction! I believe that when it comes to addiction, it can be a very serious matter, as well as a very comical one.

So there is some food for thought. Maybe I have helped you recognize the addict in you, or should I say, the addict in all of us. We've all got one, what's yours?



  1. Ben your blog was very interesting, I can't wait to read more of your blogs to come. I know many people who have the addiction of biting their nails just like you. Now that you have spoke of such a thing, you have me thinking now “do I truly have an addiction?”

  2. I can't wait to read more about addictions and possibly what causes them, I never actually thought about anything that I do everyday until now, and now all I want to do is change it so I don't have an addiction... you're not the only person however who bites their nails, it's quite common, you're reasoning though... I guess to each their own. Can't wait to read more.

  3. That’s really interesting, Ben! I never thought an addiction could be something so simple, common, and even harmless. I’m super excited to continue reading your blog as I’m sure you’ll explore many elements of addictions I've never heard nor thought of. I do hope you explore the effect taming the term addict has had on our perception of addictions. Thanks again for the excellent read!

  4. That’s quite the interesting addiction you've got there, Benjamin. I wonder, is it that you actually enjoy the slight pain that you experience from pressing on your fingers, or is it simply a habit that you've developed over the years? It’ll be rather intriguing to learn about the various addictions you’ll be exploring in your blog, from the extremely harmful narcotic addictions to the mostly harmless ones like yours. I’m looking forward to your future posts!

  5. Your topic is very interesting in the sense that it forces people to reflect on what they are addicted to and why this is. I myself find that I may have a slight addiction to my cell phone. In all reality it never leaves my sight and I'm constantly texting! Also, I think your addiction is something a lot of people are able to relate to seeing as how it is quite common for people to bite their nails. Although, the addiction to the pain is an unusual add on, none the less somewhat fascinating. I look forward to reading further entries!

  6. WOW ! Now is that ever eye opening ! Haha your blog is going to be something I read regularly because I find little things like that really interesting. I intend on using your blog as a useful tool to diagnose myself from my own strange, yet unknown, addictions. Actually that's a big lie... I am extremely addicted to brushing my teeth, which most people already know Haha.

  7. Ben I totally agree with you I have the same addiction. And to me it is a bad habit I've been doing it since I was little and I wonder if I will grow out of this addiction. The reason why I think it's a bad habit is because all those bacteria that gets stuck in your nails and you put in your mouth can cause u to get sick.

  8. Fascinating. I've never viewed nail bitting as an addiction before! To me, it has always been a last resort in a dire situation. Ben, your view on small habits being (or becoming) addictions has opened my eyes to a whole slew of possible addictions (yikes!). What really intrigues me about this topic, is the psychological aspect of the origins and development of these addictions. Perhaps its connected to our childhood comforts or conflicts? Or maybe it can be linked to our insecurities as developed adults? Hopefully you will approach this subject in your future posts.

    1. Thank you Gen for the interest in my blog! I hope my second entry answered your question about the development and psychological aspects of forming and addiction. Stay tuned for more detail in regards to those subjects. I hope that throughout the reading of my blog, you continue to find eye opening facts! Thanks a ton.

  9. Hi, my name is Jonathan (Hi Jonathan), and I'm addicted to your blog. This is really fascinating stuff you're uncovering, and I feel we'll all have to search our souls deeply to discover those treacherous tendencies we're unaware of or simply trying and failing to suppress. Correct me if I am wrong, but the difference between an addiction and a tendency/habit is the pleasure we experience while performing the act? I suppose going to school won't fall under that category than, will it? I think I'm most excited for the blog post in which you teach us to eliminate or greatly reduce our addictions; the evidence will surely be groundbreaking! By the way, do you have something against people who enjoy leaving the toilet seat up? I'm only yanking your tail!

  10. Ben, the topic that you chose really made me think as I was reading. I never thought of an addiction as simply being something that you do repetitively everyday and it's a really interesting way to look at it. I really enjoyed reading your blog and I enjoyed that I learned something new as well. I look forward to reading your future posts!

  11. hey Ben, I was just reading your blog and it is one my favorites, I just really like the way you speak to us the readers, it makes me feel as if you were talking specifically to me, and I just wanted to say that tour blog seems very interesting and I am glad someone is talking about this subject because I was hoping you will be showing us how to reduce our addictions.

  12. Extremely informative and engaging. I love how you're starting to speak of a few addictions that aren't widely recognized in the community but are still there nonetheless. You're very informative in your posts and seem to know a lot of information about this subject. I'm very curious as to future subjects of addiction you might take on. Consider me a new avid reader of your blog, I'm hooked.

  13. Wow! I finally came across your blog Ben, and I have to say I'm hooked! Your blog has gotten my full attention! It is very informative and you seem to know a lot about your subject and what you are talking about. You have gotten me thinking about everyday things that people don't seem to notice that they do that could be in the category of being an addict, or being addicted to something. Great, now I will be questioning myself about certain things that I may do in my everyday life that may make me an addict. I am very intrigued by your blog and will be back to read more! Can't wait!!!
